Month: January 2011

losing my touch?

A few folks out there have wondered if I’ve lost my touch, namely my love for all things shiny such as my leather pants and leather skirts. (Some will recall I have quite the collection: 19 pairs of leather pants, different styles and colors but mainly dark colors and 12 different leather skirts, ranging in style, color and length.)  As it was pointed out to me on more than one occasion, it is the season for them. And while “leather pants season” technically begins in the fall and runs through until the spring, I feel I haven’t really been doing my part to uphold my own tradition.

As I’ve said recently, a lot has happened in the past year and maybe I lost a bit of my mojo when it came to dressing up. Normally I wouldn’t think twice about reaching into my closet and pulling out a pair of leather pants and squeezing and tucking myself into them. But with my frame of mind being where it was for the past little while, jeans or even track pants suddenly became an outfit of choice. In fact, those became my go-to outfits when I just didn’t feel like making even the slightest effort, which sadly happened more times than I care to admit.

Although things are on the turn-around I think. Weights have been lifted and it seems that I have less to worry about (I’ll keep my fingers, toes and other body parts crossed) so maybe I will make the most of the leather pants/skirt season while the weather is cool enough to do so.

However honestly, down in Jersey there isn’t as much a market for for the whole leather look as there is in Toronto. It probably has something to do with being a more cosmopolitan big city. While I wouldn’t normally think twice about leather when going out to do something as simple as grocery shopping at Loblaws or going to IKEA, I always felt a little out of place wearing leather when I’m back home, almost as if I was drawing too  much attention to myself.

welcome to a new look

If 2011 is supposed to be a year of change (which I’m betting my ass it will be) then I figure I should jump in with both feet. Thus, I did a little “winter cleaning” and changed the look of this site.

Now, before you gush with the compliments saying how much you love what I’ve done with the place (that was sarcasm, for your information) keep in mind that during a year of change, things should always be a work in progress. (I’ll warn you now, I’m not a huge fan of the columns not being a “fixed width”, meaning the words move around depending on the size of your browser window.  So that means another change is probably coming soon.)

That being said, this site will become my work in progress. And over the next 11 months, I’ll decide what I want to do with it, where I want to be in life and what I hope to get out of things.  Remember that annoying “where do you see yourself in five years” question everyone gets asked at one point in their lives? Well, it’s been five years in my book so it’s time to make things happen.

Hopefully 2011 has been good to you so far — even though it’s only a week old.

Update: And as you can see (for those who noticed the change… again) I switched things up and found a new layout that is clean and fixed-width and looks good.

happy 2011

So begins another year. I hope and pray this one goes better than the last one did — and not just for me either.  It seems that many people I know found 2010 to be less than they hoped it would be.  So my wish to everyone out there is that they find happiness and peace in their own world.

Normally around this time I do a blog post where I rant about what I feel is In or Out or maybe a “Things That Should Be Banned” list, but this year I’m really  not feeling it.  So many things have happened to so many out there, that I seem to have lost my edge. (Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll get it back one day!)

“Should old acquaintances be forgotten, And never brought to mind…” Just like the song says. I never liked it too much, but when you’ve had a crappy year as so many have, it makes sense. Forget about everything that made you mad and promise yourself to make 2011 your year.

Be happy and make the most of the next 12 months… and the ones after that.  That’s what I plan to do.  I’m actually going to take things easy for the next little while. Being around family is always good and sometimes hearing a positive wish from a person you never expected to hear from, makes your day and lets you know that everything will be alright in the world.

Yes, I have a new outlook and I’m spreading the love, so to speak. The rest is up to you. Nothing more needs to be said. 2010 is over and done with. Here’s to a new year and a new beginning.

Make the most of it!