Being thankful and full of thought

On a day when most of Canada spent time being thankful, I did a lot of soul searching. I have to take stock of my life and see what I want to be doing. I love writing, but sometimes I wonder if I’m still good at what I do. I’ve been writing a humor/opinion column for almost 10 years, even when it wasn’t published for a while and that will take a lot out of one. I know there are writers who have been doing this for decades, but sometimes I just feel burnt out.

I know I also have to be less self absorbed with myself and my work. The web site is one thing, but keeping the over inflated ego is another… and having that hurts my work. I always said that I’d step down before I was asked to and before my work became stale. I also didn’t want to become something I hate or wasn’t proud of. I need to come down off my high horse and see that I’m not as great as people tell me I am… or that I think I am.

Other than that… not much else is new. I guess the above thoughts are best suited for my diary, but I haven’t updated that for a while. Have a happy and safe Columbus Day Weekend/Canadian Thanksgiving… play safe. I’m still craving that Pineapple Curry Chicken from Young Thailand I had the other night.

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